
Posted on 2020-11-18

Individual Actions are Good– But They Shouldn’t Be the End All

It’s everyone’s problem- but who is taking responsibility? We are talking about climate change. While there are loads of surveys focusing on human populations being affected, what about the countless at-risk flora and fauna on land and in the oceans? More importantly, what are we, being…

Posted on 2020-11-05

Introducing TreeChain, blockchain for trees, finally!

The EcoMatcher team very proudly introduces TreeChain, offering the next level of transparency in planting trees using advanced blockchain (distributed ledger) technology: Every tree that has been planted and every tree that will be planted by EcoMatcher is stored and visible on EcoMatcher’s TreeChain. Anyone can check any tree with TreeChain, including…

Posted on 2020-09-23

Moving Beyond Box – Checking to Achieve Real ESG Impact

To mobilize large-scale environmental and social change, companies must understand the importance of ESG beyond simple box-checking. The overarching argument is that everyone has a duty to behave prosocially – this is only amplified manifold at the corporate level, where there is so much more…

Posted on 2020-07-30

Desertification: What it Means and Why It Matters

Desertification is a silent, invisible, and slow-burn crisis that is currently destabilizing livelihoods and communities in over 100 countries 1. Much like climate change, the impacts of desertification are felt first-hand in specific belts of the world. That said, the rest of the world isn’t at…

Posted on 2020-07-23

The State of Global Forests

With the United Nations’ Decade on Biodiversity drawing to a close this year, it seems timely to relook at the current state of global forests and what the future looks like for conservation.  Forests are home to most of the Earth’s terrestrial biodiversity, making them…

Posted on 2020-07-09

A UN SDGs Refresher and Progress Report

Five years after the United Nations General Assembly set the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the UN reported that there is a “continued unevenness of progress” towards SDGs and targets across the world. The 2020 SDG Progress Report 1 found decent enough movement towards declining poverty, sustainable development…

Posted on 2020-07-02

The Psychology of Climate Change: Why Some People Do (or Don’t) Mobilise

It’s hard to argue with the understanding that humans are quite possibly the best problem-solving species on the planet today. Nearly every global challenge has been met with a collective force of resistance; industries rallied to protect their dependants, and everyday people adapted to new…

Posted on 2020-06-14

Regenerative Capitalism: Reinventing the Economic Wheel

Capitalism is broken. The traditional notions of a capitalistic global economy are skewed– the proof is in the stark inequality, impacts of climate change, and raging beliefs that ‘more is better’. The planet, the very basis of civilization, is being plundered and destroyed for profit…

Posted on 2020-06-07

What’s Next for Corporate Sustainability in a Post-COVID19 World

In the face of the pandemic currently dominating headlines and policies of all sorts, many sustainability initiatives have been forced to take a backseat. Eyes have turned to the offsetting of existential challenges and grappling with ‘the new normal.’  However, much like the people in…

Posted on 2020-05-21

EcoMatcher Goes Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Introduction EcoMatcher plants trees with vetted foundations from around the world. Through technology, EcoMatcher knows everything of every tree planted offering full transparency. Every tree can be virtually visited. Companies can use trees for reward, loyalty, corporate gifting, employee engagement, and transparent carbon offsetting programs.  EcoMatcher’s System, see below, consists of the…

Posted on 2020-05-03

Can Fake Trees be a Part of the Climate Change Solution?

For many years now, trees have been posited as the most viable solution to climate change and rising global temperatures. In a nutshell– they pull CO2 out of the air, provide shade that cools the surface of the earth, and attract rains in a timely…

Posted on 2020-04-11

The Value of Trees in World Religions

Trees are prominent features in the tales and triumphs of religions all over the world. They’ve been seen throughout the ages as powerful symbols of prosperity and birth, often represented in the form of ‘trees of life’ or ‘gifts that keep on giving’.  The world…