Climate Related

Posted on 2022-05-02

Making Ecocide an International Crime

Throughout the years, human activities have harmed ecological resources in the name of “development.” Ecological deterioration was long observed as a mere side effect of progressing in other walks of life. However, we’re all aware that, now, the issue of environmental destruction is increasingly gaining…

Posted on 2022-04-07

How Gen Z is Setting the Pace for Climate Action

Although climate change has been a cause for concern across generations, the way Generation Z has been addressing is markedly different. In a US-specific research survey, a whopping 76% considered climate change as the top among their biggest concerns.  Millennials and Gen Z-ers are talking…

Posted on 2022-02-22

Climate Alarmism Can Hurt: Here are Some Alternatives

There are hundreds of conversations about climate change today, but they tend to take an overwhelmingly similar tone: that of pessimism and doom-saying. Phrases like “billions of lives will be lost” and “the world will end in X years” are bandied about to stress the…

Posted on 2022-01-19

The Indigenous Land Back movement and the planet

If you’ve been on social media or have been attuned to socio-political and environmental movements, you would have heard of the term “Land Back.” It may seem like a simple term, but it carries a tonne of weight for Indigenous peoples and has a history…

Posted on 2021-11-29

The Benefits of Plant-Based Diets and Links to Agroforestry

There’s a lot of information about diets: healthy diets, high-protein diets, lactose-free diets. But there’s one type of diet that is unequivocally good for the environment and your body, and that’s a plant-based diet.  November 1st marks World Vegan Day, a day when vegans worldwide…

Posted on 2021-11-11

What Are Planetary Boundaries, And Why Are They Significant?

Earth wasn’t always as unstable as we see it today. Its environment had been relatively stable for thousands of years. Although minor and natural alterations kept happening, the overall environment was feasible for human existence. During this period, civilizations prospered, and the planet was thriving….

Posted on 2021-10-11

The COP26: All You Need to Know About the Conference Of the Parties

As countries begin to bounce back from the Coronavirus pandemic, the focus now shifts to climate change and timely action. Changes are being made in leaps and bounds: clean energy is currently the cheapest electricity source for many countries. Governments and corporations are throwing themselves…

Posted on 2021-09-29

2021 IPCC Report on Climate Change: What Companies and Individuals Can Do to Help

“Where are we now, and where are we heading?” is a question that pops up frequently. Most recently, it’s come up in the context of the 6th IPCC Report on climate change. The 2015 Paris Agreement—and its goal to keep global warming at least below…

Posted on 2021-09-01

Recycling Lessons from Around the World and Addressing the Root of the Problem

“Reduce, reuse, and recycle” has long become the rallying cry for many new environmentalists and policymakers. For many parts of the world, the first step towards environmentally friendly policies and climate action starts with recycling. Several governments have also successfully rallied thousands of citizens, companies,…

Posted on 2021-08-18

A Complete Shift to a Paperless Society: Is It Possible?

Think back to the emails you might have received in the past month. How many of them had a message along the lines of “think before you print?” How many electronic devices and tools use “paperless” as their selling point? In both cases, your answer…

Posted on 2021-07-28

Regaining Control over Consumption: Reasoning and Tips

Do you have a junk drawer that’s filled with things you don’t use but have kept for some reason? Or perhaps you’re despairing over your bursting closet or the number of follow-up items you need to buy for your new gadget? If you’ve ever experienced…

Posted on 2021-07-13

Revisiting Ancient Innovations for Modern Environmental Problems

When you think of the words “innovation” and “technology,” what do you immediately associate them with? Most likely, it’s something to do with modernity, futurism, and development. The word that probably won’t make the list is “ancient.” And yet, ancient natural technologies might well give…