Design beautiful gift cards connected to trees.

  • Upload your details like company logo

  • Select or upload a TreeCard design (5*7 inch)

  • Download a PDF file with all your TreeCards

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Design beautiful gift cards

connected to trees

A TreeCard is a postcard (7*5 inch) that can be fully customized in line with your branding guidelines. The only thing EcoMatcher adds is a QR code. Once that QR code is scanned, the TreeCard recipient will be able to track his or her adopted tree(s). The TreeCards will be delivered in PDF. As a TreeCard is lightweight, you can also opt to send the TreeCard by regular post.


Learn how to create TreeCard from this video.

How does it work?

When someone (“tree recipient”) gets gifted a tree by TreeCard, once they scan the QR code, they will be directed to a landing page.


The landing page has a gift box and a “Track your tree” button. When the recipient clicks that button, the recipient will be directed to TreeTracker 3D, using mesmerizing 3D technologies and satellite maps.


The default language of the landing page is English, but EcoMatcher also offers numerous other languages, including Spanish.”